
UK modernwater Microtox® FX analyzer


Modern Water offers a complete portable solution for rapid toxicity and bio-contaminant detection in water samples. Using the Microtox® FX analyzer, you can rapidly assess water quality within minutes for contamination, especially in response to drinki


    Rapid Acute Toxicity Results The Microtox® FX is a simple and portable test system for acute toxicity that is ideal for screening for chemical contamination. Microtox® technology is based on the widely-used and well-documented Microtox® Test System and uses the same specialized strain of luminescent bacteria to provide a direct measurement of the toxicity of a sample and simultaneously detect thousands of potential contaminants. The Microtox® FX Analyzer is portable and is easily used on-site at locations such as: vessels on a lake or the ocean; reservoirs; storage tanks; or sample locations throughout your water distribution system. Rapid Bio-Contaminant Results The Microtox® FX instrument can also be used for rapid quantification of total viable biomass using ATP analysis. A Modern Water certified ATP assay uses the principle of bioluminescence to accurately determine the total biomass present in water or wastewater samples. All organisms contain ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) as their main energy source. The amount of ATP in a sample is directly proportional to the biomass of the sample. ATP reacts with luciferin / luciferase – the enzyme system present in firefly tails to produce light. In the reaction, each molecule of ATP produces one photon of light. The light output of this reaction can be accurately measured using the very sensitive Microtox® FX analyzer.

     • Results available in 5 minutes, after initial reagent prep

     • Broad range of toxins detected - >2,700 compounds

     • Microbial detection level in drinking water – 100 cfu/mL


